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=New to Observational Cosmology=
=New to Observational Cosmology=
[[New_from_OC | New OC]]
[[New_from_OC | New OC]]
<div id="150_0"></div>
<div style="border: 1px solid #AAA; padding:5px;">
'''Problem 1'''
<p style= "color: #999;font-size: 11px">problem id: 150_0</p>
Find ratio between the illuminance of the Earth surface by the Sun and other light sources in the Universe (it is a quantitative resolution of the Olbers paradox).
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">  <div class="NavHead">solution</div>  <div style="width:100%;" class="NavContent">
<p style="text-align: left;">
As we mentioned above (in the Warm up chapter), finiteness of the Universe's lifetime enables to qualitatively resolve the Olbers paradox: the night sky is dark because light from the distant galaxies do not have time to reach the Earth during the lifetime of the Universe equal to $t_0\sim H_0^{-1}$. Let us now make some qualitative estimates. The observations show that the luminosity density of the galaxies in the observed Universe equals to
\[nL\approx2\times10^8L_\odot Mpc^{-3}.\]
Compared to the terrestrial standards, the Universe is not a well illuminated place: the above cited luminosity density is equivalent to one $40W$ lamp per a sphere of $1$ à.u. radius. Illuminance created by all the galaxies situated inside the horizon $R_{hor}\sim cH_0$ is
\[E_g\approx nL\int\limits_0^{c/H_0}dr=nL(c/H_0)\sim2\times10^{-11}L_\odot AU^{-2}.\]
Comparing this quantity with the illuminance on the Earth due to the Sun
$E_{sun}=\frac{L_\odot}{4\pi AU^2}\approx0.08L_\odot AU^{-2},$
one finds that
Due to the cosmological principle the Universe is weakly illuminated as the Earth. That is why darkness of the night sky should not amaze us.
</p>  </div></div></div>
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Revision as of 11:07, 8 October 2015

New to Observational Cosmology

New OC

Problem 1

problem id: 150_0

Find ratio between the illuminance of the Earth surface by the Sun and other light sources in the Universe (it is a quantitative resolution of the Olbers paradox).

Problem 1

problem id: 150_0

Find ratio between the illuminance of the Earth surface by the Sun and other light sources in the Universe (it is a quantitative resolution of the Olbers paradox).

New from June 2015

New from June 2015

To Chapter 2

Problem 1

problem id: 150_0

Comprehensive explanations of the expanding Universe often use the balloon analogy. Although the balloon analogy is useful, one must guard against misconceptions that it can generate. Point out the misconceptions that appear when using this analogy [see M.O. Farooq, Observational constraints on dark energy cosmological model parameters, arXiv: 1309.3710.]

Problem 2

problem id: 150_1

(into the cosmography and extended deceleration parameter) Show that \[\frac{d\dot a}{da}=-Hq.\]

Problem 3

problem id: 150_2

Give a physical interpretation of the conservation equation.

Problem 4

problem id: 150_04

Find evolution equation for the density parameter $\Omega$ of the single-fluid FLRW models with the linear equation of state $p=w\rho$.

Problem 5

problem id: 150_05

Solve the previous problem for the multi-component case.

Problem 6

problem id: 150_06

Use the conformal time to prove existence of smooth transition from the radiation-dominated era to the matter dominated one.

Problem 7

problem id: 150_07

Consider a set of the cosmographic parameters built from the Hubble parameter and its time derivatives [see S. Carloni, A new approach to the analysis of the phase space of f(R)-gravity, arXiv:1505.06015) ] \[Q\equiv\frac{\dot H}{H^2},\quad J\equiv\frac{\ddot H H}{\dot H^2},\quad S\equiv\frac{\dddot H H^2}{\dot H^3},\ldots \] Express them in terms of the canonic cosmographic parameters $q,j,s\dots$.

Problem 8

problem id: 150_08

Consider another set of the cosmographic parameters [see S. Carloni, A new approach to the analysis of the phase space of f(R)-gravity, arXiv:1505.06015) ] \[\bar Q\equiv\frac{H_{,N}}{H},\quad \bar J\equiv\frac{H_{,NN}}{H},\quad \bar S\equiv\frac{H_{,NNN}}{H},\ldots,\] where \[H_{,N}\equiv \frac{dH}{d\ln a}.\] Express them in terms of the Hubble parameter and its time derivatives.

Problem 9

problem id: 150_09

Express the Ricci scalar and its time derivatives in terms of the $\bar Q$, $\bar J$ and $\bar S$.

Problem 10

problem id: 150_3

Show that for a perfect fluid with EoS $p=w(a)\rho$ the adiabatic sound speed can be represented in the form \[c_S^2=w(a)-\frac13\frac{d\ln(1+w)}{d\ln a}.\]

Problem 11

problem id: 150_4

Obtain equation for $\ddot\rho(t)$, where $\rho(t)$ is energy density of an ideal fluid participating in the cosmological expansion.

Problem 12

problem id: 150_5

Show that in the case of the flat Friedmann metric, the third power of the scale factor $\varphi\equiv a^3$ satisfies the equation \[\frac{d^2\varphi}{dt^2}=\frac32(\rho-p)\varphi,\quad 8\pi G=1.\] Check validity of this equation for different cosmological components: non-relativistic matter, cosmological constant and a component with EoS $p=w\rho$.

Problem 13

problem id: 150_6

The lookback time is defined as the difference between the present day age of the Universe and its age at redshift $z$, i.e. the difference between the age of the Universe at observation $t_0$ and the age of the Universe, $t$, when the photons were emitted. Find the lookback time for the Universe filled with non-relativistic matter, radiation and a component with the EoS $p=w(z)\rho$.

Problem 14

problem id: 150_7

Show that the Hubble radius grows faster than the expanding Universe in the case of power law expansion $a(t)\propto t^\alpha$ with $\alpha<1$ (the decelerated expansion).

To chapter 3

Problem 15

problem id: 150_015

Show, that in the Milne Universe the age of the Universe is equal to the Hubble time.

To chapter 4 The black holes

Problem 16

problem id: new2015_1

see E. Berti, A Black-Hole Primer: Particles, Waves, Critical Phenomena and Superradiant instabilities (arXiv:1410.4481[gr-qc])

A Newtonian analog of the black hole concept is a so-called "dark star". If we consider light as a corpuscle traveling at speed $c$, light cannot escape to infinity whenever $V_{esc}>c$, where \[V_{esc}^2=\frac{2GN}R.\] Therefore the condition for existence of "dark stars" in Newtonian mechanics is \[\frac{2GN}{c^2R}\ge1.\]

Can this condition be satisfied in the Newtonian mechanics?

Problem 17

problem id: 150_017

Derive the relation $T\propto M^{-1}$ from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the fact that the size of a black hole is given by the Schwarzschild radius.

To chapter 8

Problem 18

problem id: 2501_06

Why the cosmological constant cannot be used as a source for inflation in the inflation model?

Problem 19

problem id: 2501_09

Show that inflation ends when the parameter \[\varepsilon\equiv\frac{M_P^2}{16\pi}\left(\frac{dV}{d\varphi}\frac1V\right)^2=1.\]

Problem 20

problem id: 2501_10

How does the number of e-folds $N$ depend on the slow-roll parameter $\varepsilon$?

To chapter 9

Problem 21

problem id: 150_021

Using the by dimensional analysis for cosmological constant $\Lambda > 0$, define the set of fundamental "de Sitter units" of length, time and mass.

Problem 22

problem id: 150_022

In the Newtonian approximation, find the force acting on the point unit mass in the Universe filled by non-relativistic matter and cosmological constant. (see Chiu Man Ho and Stephen D. H. Hsu, The Dark Force: Astrophysical Repulsion from Dark Energy, arXiv: 1501.05592)

Problem 23

problem id: 150_023

Consider a spatially flat FLRW Universe, which consists of two components: the non-relativistic matter and the scalar field $\varphi$ in the potential $V(\varphi)$. Find relation between the scalar field potential and the deceleration parameter.

Problem 24

problem id: 150_024

Find relation between the deceleration parameter and the derivative $d\varphi/dz$ for the Universe considered in the previous problem.

Problem 25

problem id: new_30

Find the sound speed for the modified Chaplygin gas with the state equation \[p=B\rho-\frac A{\rho^\alpha}.\]

A couple of problems for the SCM

Problem 26

problem id: 150_026

Let $N=\ln(a/a_0)$, where $a_0=a(t_0)$ and $t_0$ is some chosen reference time. Usually the reference time is the present time and in that case $\tau=-\ln(1+z)$. Find $\Omega_m(N)$ and $\Omega_\Lambda(N)$ for the SCM.

Problem 27

problem id: 150_027

Express the cosmographic parameters $H,q,j$ as functions of $N=\ln a/a_0$ for the SCM.

Cardassian Model

[K. Freese and M. Lewis, Cardassian Expansion: a Model in which the Universe is Flat, Matter Dominated, and Accelerating, arXiv: 0201229] Cardassian Model is a modification to the Friedmann equation in which the Universe is flat, matter dominated, and accelerating. An additional term, which contains only matter or radiation (no vacuum contribution), becomes the dominant driver of expansion at a late epoch of the universe. During the epoch when the new term dominates, the universe accelerates. The authors named this period of acceleration by the Cardassian era. (The name Cardassian refers to a humanoid race in Star Trek whose goal is to take over the universe, i.e., accelerated expansion. This race looks foreign to us and yet is made entirely of matter.) Pure matter (or radiation) alone can drive an accelerated expansion if the first Friedmann equation is modified by the addition of a new term on the right hand side as follows: \[H^2=A\rho+B\rho^n,\] where the energy density $\rho$ contains only ordinary matter and radiation, and $n<2/3$. In the usual Friedmann equation $B=0$. To be consistent with the usual result, we take \[A=\frac{8\pi}{3M_{Pl}^2},\] where $M_{Pl}^2\equiv1/G$.

Problem 28

problem id: 150_cardas1

Show that once the new term dominates the right hand side of the Friedmann equation, we have accelerated expansion.

Problem 29

problem id: 150_cardas2

Let us represent the Cardassian model in the form \[H^2\propto \rho+\rho_X,\quad\rho_X=\rho^n.\] Find the parameter $w_X$ of the EoS $p_X=w_X\rho_X$, assuming that the Universe is filled exclusively by the non-relativistic matter.

Problem 30

problem id: 150_cardas3

Show that the result obtained in the previous problem takes place for arbitrary one-component fluid with $w_X=const$.

Problem 31

problem id: 150_cardas4

Generalize the previous problem for the case of two-component ideal liquid (non-relativistic matter $+$ radiation) with density $\rho=\rho_m+\rho_r$.

Problem 32

problem id: 150_cardas5

Show that we can interpret the Cardassian empirical term in the modified Friedmann equation as the superposition of a quintessential fluid with $w=n-1$ and a background of dust.

Problem 33

problem id: 150_cardas6

We have two parameters in the original Cardassian model: $B$ and $n$. Make the transition $\{B,n\}\to\{z_{eq},n\}$, where $z_{eq}$ is the redshift value at which the second term $B\rho^n$ starts to dominate.

Problem 34

problem id: 150_cardas7

What is the current energy density of the Universe in the Cardassian model? Show that the corresponding energy density is much smaller than in the standard Friedmann cosmology, so that only matter can be sufficient to provide a flat geometry.

Problem 35

problem id: 150_cardas8

Let us represent the basic relation of Cardassian model in the following way \[H^2=A\rho\left[1+\left(\frac\rho{\rho_{car}}\right)^{n-1}\right],\] where $\rho_{car}=\rho(z_{eq})$ is the energy density at which the two terms are equal. Find the function $\rho(z_{eq})$ under assumption that the Universe is filled with non-relativistic matter and radiation.

Problem 36

problem id: 150_cardas9

Let Friedmann equation is modified to be \[H^2=\frac{8\pi G}{3}g(\rho),\] where $\rho$ consists only of non-relativistic matter. Find the effective total pressure.

Problem 37

problem id: 150_cardas10

Find the speed of sound in the Cardassian model. [P.Gandolo, K. Freese, Fluid Interpretation of Cardassian Expansion, 0209322 ]

Problem 38

problem id: 150_cardas11

Find the deceleration parameter for the canonic Cardassian model.

Models with Cosmic Viscosity

A Universe filled with a perfect fluid represents quite a simple which seems to be in good agreement with cosmological observations. But, on a more physical and realistic basis we can replace the energy-momentum tensor for the simplest perfect fluid by introducing cosmic viscosity. The energy momentum tensor with bulk viscosity is given by \[T_{\mu\nu}=(\rho=p-\xi\theta)u_\mu u_\nu+(p-\xi\theta)g_{\mu\nu},\] where $\xi$ is bulk viscosity, and $\theta\equiv3H$ is the expansion scalar. This modifies the equation of state of the cosmic fluid. The Friedmann equations with inclusion of the bulk viscosity, i.e. using the energy-momentum tensor $T_{\mu\nu}$, read \begin{align} \nonumber \frac{\dot a^2}{a^2}&=\frac13\rho,\quad \rho=\rho_m+\rho_\Lambda,\quad 8\pi G=1;\\ \nonumber \frac{\ddot a^2}{a}&=-\frac16(\rho+3p-9\xi H). \end{align} Problems #150_8-#150_14 are inspired by A. Avelino and U. Nucamendi, Can a matter-dominated model with constant bulk viscosity drive the accelerated expansion of the universe? arXiv:0811.3253

Problem 39

problem id: 150_8

Consider a cosmological model in a flat Universe where the only component is a pressureless fluid with constant bulk viscosity ($\xi=const$). The pressureless fluid represent both the baryon and dark matter components. Find the dependence $\rho_m(z)$ for the considered model.

Problem 40

problem id: 150_9

Find $H(z)$ and $a(t)$ for the model of Universe considered in the previous problem.

Problem 41

problem id: 150_10

Analyze the expression for the scale factor $a(t)$ obtained in the previous problem for different types of the bulk viscosity.

Problem 42

problem id: 150_11

Show that the Universe in the considered model with $\xi=const$ had the Big Bang in the past for all values of the bulk viscosity in the interval $0<\bar\xi<3$ and determine how far in the past (in terms of the cosmic time) it happened.

Problem 43

problem id: 150_12

Show that the result of the previous Problem for zero bulk viscosity ($\xi=0$) correctly reproduces the lifetime of the matter-dominated Universe.

Problem 44

problem id: 150_13

As we have seen in the previous problems, in the interval $0<\bar\xi<3$ the Universe begins with a Big-Bang followed by an eternal expansion and this expansion begins with a decelerated epoch followed by an eternal accelerated one. The transition between the decelerated-accelerated expansion epochs depends on the value of $\bar\xi$. Find the value of the scale factor where the transition happens.

Problem 45

problem id: 150_14

Analyze the dependence \[a_t=\left(\frac{3-\bar\xi}{2\bar\xi}\right)^{2/3},\] obtained in the previous problem.

Problem 46

problem id: 150_15

Find the deceleration parameter $q(a,\bar\xi)$ for the cosmological model presented in the Problem #150_8.

Problem 47

problem id: 150_16

Analyze behavior of the deceleration parameter $q(a,\bar\xi)$ obtained in the previous problem for different values of the bulk viscosity $\bar\xi(\xi)$.

Problem 48

problem id: 150_17

Use result of the problem \ref{150_15} to find the current value of the deceleration parameter and make sure that for $\bar\xi=1$ the transition from the decelerated to accelerated epochs of the Universe takes place today.

Problem 49

problem id: 150_18

Find the curvature scalar $R(a,\xi)$ for the cosmological model presented in the Problem #150_8.

Problem 50

problem id: 150_19

Let us consider a flat homogeneous and isotropic Universe filled by a fluid with bulk viscosity. We shall assume that the EoS for the fluid is $p=w\rho$, $w=const$ and that the viscosity coefficient $\xi(\rho)=\xi_0\rho^\nu$. Find the dependence $\rho(a)$ for the considered model.

Problem 51

problem id: 150_0013

Usually the inflationary models of the early Universe contain two distinct phases. During the first phase entropy of the Universe remains constant. The second phase is essentially non-adiabatic, particles are produced through the damping of the coherent oscillations of the inflaton field by coupling to other fields and by its subsequent decay. Find relation between the bulk viscosity and the entropy production [J. A. S. Lima, R. Portugal, I. Waga, Bulk viscosity and deflationary universes, arXiv:0708.3280].

New from March 2015

New from March 2015

New from December 2014

New from December 2014

Exactly Integrable n-dimensional Universes

Exactly Integrable n-dimensional Universes


The history of what happens in any chosen sample region is the same as the history of what happens everywhere. Therefore it seems very tempting to limit ourselves with the formulation of Cosmology for the single sample region. But any region is influenced by other regions near and far. If we are to pay undivided attention to a single region, ignoring all other regions, we must in some way allow for their influence. E. Harrison in his book Cosmology, Cambridge University Press, 1981 suggests a simple model to realize this idea. The model has acquired the name of "Cosmic box" and it consists in the following.

Imaginary partitions, comoving and perfectly reflecting, are used to divide the Universe into numerous separate cells. Each cell encloses a representative sample and is sufficiently large to contain galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Each cell is larger than the largest scale of irregularity in the Universe, and the contents of all cells are in identical states. A partitioned Universe behaves exactly as a Universe without partitions. We assume that the partitions have no mass and hence their insertion cannot alter the dynamical behavior of the Universe. The contents of all cells are in similar states, and in the same state as when there were no partitions. Light rays that normally come from very distant galaxies come instead from local galaxies of long ago and travel similar distances by multiple re?ections. What normally passes out of a region is reflected back and copies what normally enters a region.

Let us assume further that the comoving walls of the cosmic box move apart at a velocity given by the Hubble law. If the box is a cube with sides of length $L$, then opposite walls move apart at relative velocity $HL$.Let us assume that the size of the box $L$ is small compared to the Hubble radius $L_{H} $ , the walls have a recession velocity that is small compared to the velocity of light. Inside a relatively small cosmic box we use ordinary everyday physics and are thus able to determine easily the consequences of expansion. We can even use Newtonian mechanics to determine the expansion if we embed a spherical cosmic box in Euclidean space.

Problem 1

problem id:

As we have shown before (see Chapter 3): $p(t)\propto a(t)^{-1} $ , so all freely moving particles, including galaxies (when not bound in clusters), slowly lose their peculiar motion and ultimately become stationary in expanding space. Try to understand what happens by considering a moving particle inside an expanding cosmic box

Problem 2

problem id:

Show that at redshift $z=1$ , when the Universe is half its present size, the kinetic energy of a freely moving nonrelativistic particle is four times its present value, and the energy of a relativistic particle is twice its present value.

Problem 3

problem id:

Let the cosmic box is filled with non-relativistic gas. Find out how the gas temperature varies in the expanding cosmic box.

Problem 4

problem id:

Show that entropy of the cosmic box is conserved during its expansion.

Problem 5

problem id:

Consider a (cosmic) box of volume V, having perfectly reflecting walls and containing radiation of mass density $\rho $. The mass of the radiation in the box is $M=\rho V$ . We now weigh the box and find that its mass, because of the enclosed radiation, has increased not by M but by an amount 2M. Why?

Problem 6

problem id:

Show that the jerk parameter is \[j(t)=q+2q^{2} -\frac{\dot{q}}{H} \]

Problem 7

problem id:

We consider FLRW spatially flat Universe with the general Friedmann equations \[\begin{array}{l} {H^{2} =\frac{1}{3} \rho +f(t),} \\ {\frac{\ddot{a}}{a} =-\frac{1}{6} \left(\rho +3p\right)+g(t)} \end{array}\] Obtain the general conservation equation.

Problem 8

problem id:

Show that for extra driving terms in the form of the cosmological constant the general conservation equation (see previous problem) transforms in the standard conservation equation.

Problem 9

problem id:

Show that case $f(t)=g(t)=\Lambda /3$ corresponds to $\Lambda (t)CDM$ model.