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(Radial motion)
(Problem 14.)
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=== Problem 14. ===
=== Problem 14. ===
problem formulation
Use energy conservation to derive $v(r)$, $\dot{r}(r)=dr/dt$, $r(t)$ for a massive particle. Initial conditions: $g_{00}|_{\dot{r}=0}=h_{0}$ (the limiting case $h_{0}\to 1$ is especially interesting and simple).
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problem solution </p>
In the radial case the physical velocity $v$ is expressed through the $4$-velocity $u^{\mu}=(u^{0},u^{1},0,0)$ as
where dot denotes differentiation by coordinate time $t$, and thus the energy conservation law (see (\ref{SchwInt-E2})) takes the form
Initial condition fixes the constant\footnote{Nnote that $r_0$ has the meaning of a turning point only for finite motion; this, however, does not prevent us from using the same notation in the non-finite case. Then $r_0$ is determined from $\varepsilon$ by the same formula and takes negative values, while $h_{0}>1$.}:
\dot{r}\sim v|_{r_{0}}=0\quad
\equiv h_{0},\end{equation}
so for the physical velocity we get
\underset{r\to r_{g}}{\longrightarrow}\infty;
\quad \frac{v}{c}\equiv\beta=
\underset{r\to r_{g}}{\longrightarrow}1.\end{equation}
It tends to infinity close to the horizon! At the same time, as
$v^{2}=\dot{r}^{2}/h^{2}$ from (\ref{Schw-v(u)}), the coordinate velocity
\Big|\frac{dr}{dt}\Big|=vh=h \sqrt{1-\frac{h}{h_{0}}}=
\underset{r\to r_{g}}{\thicksim}h\to 0\end{equation}
tends to zero.
After integration we obtain $t(r)$:
const\pm t=\int\limits_{r}^{r_{0}}
\underset{\substack{r\approx r_{g}\\r_{0}\gg r_{g}}}
As should be expected, the asymptote is the same as for the null geodesics (for $r_{0}\gg r_{g}$).</p>
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=== Problem 15. ===
=== Problem 15. ===
problem formulation
problem formulation

Revision as of 16:42, 17 June 2012

The spherically symmetric solution of Einstein's equations in vacuum for the spacetime metric has the form \cite{Schw} \begin{align}\label{Schw} ds^{2}=h(r)\,dt^2-h^{-1}(r)\,dr^2-r^2 d\Omega^{2}, &\qquad\mbox{where}\quad h(r)=1-\frac{r_g}{r};\quad r_{g}=\frac{2GM}{c^{2}};\\ d\Omega^{2}=d\theta^{2}+\sin^{2}\theta\, d\varphi^{2}&\;\text{-- metric of unit sphere.}\nonumber \end{align} The Birkhoff's theorem (1923) \cite{Birkhoff,Jebsen} states, that this solution is unique up to coordinate transformations. The quantity $r_g$ is called the Schwarzschild radius, or gravitational radius, $M$ is the mass of the central body or black hole.

Simple problems

Problem 1.

Find the interval of local time (proper time of stationary observer) at a point $(r,\theta,\varphi)$ in terms of coordinate time $t$, and show that $t$ is the proper time of an observer at infinity. What happens when $r\to r_{g}$?

Problem 2.

What is the physical distance between two points with coordinates $(r_{1},\theta,\varphi)$ and $(r_{2},\theta,\varphi)$? Between $(r,\theta,\varphi_{1})$ and $(r,\theta,\varphi_{2})$? How do these distances behave in the limit $r_{1},r\to r_{g}$?

Problem 3.

What would be the answers to the previous two questions for $r<r_g$ and why*? Why the Schwarzschild metric cannot be imagined as a system of "welded" rigid rods in $r<r_g$, as it can be in the external region?

Problem 4.

Calculate the acceleration of a test particle with zero velocity.

Problem 5.

Show that Schwarzschild metric is a solution of Einstein's equation in vacuum.

Symmetries and integrals of motion

For background on Killing vectors see problems K1, K2, K3 of chapter 2.

Problem 6.

What integral of motion arises due to existance of a timelike Killing vector? Express it through the physical velocity of the particle.

Problem 7.

Derive the Killing vectors for a sphere in Cartesian coordinate system; in spherical coordinates.

Problem 8.

Verify that in coordinates $(t,r,\theta,\varphi)$ vectors \[ \begin{array}{l} \Omega^{\mu}=(1,0,0,0),\\ R^{\mu}=(0,0,0,1),\\ S^{\mu}=(0,0,\cos\varphi,-\cot\theta\sin\varphi),\\ T^{\mu}=(0,0,-\sin\varphi,-\cot\theta\cos\varphi) \end{array}\] are the Killing vectors of the Schwarzschild metric.

Problem 9.

Show that existence of Killing vectors $S^\mu$ and $T^\mu$ leads to motion of particles in a plane.

Problem 10.

Show that the particles' motion in the plane is stable.

Problem 11.

Write down explicitly the conserved quantities $p_{\mu}\Omega^{\mu}$ and $p_{\mu}R^{\mu}$ for movement in the plane $\theta=\pi/2$.

Problem 12.

What is the work needed to pull a particle from the horizon to infinity? Will a black hole's mass change if we drop a particle with zero initial velocity from immediate proximity of the horizon?

Radial motion

Consider a particle's radial motion: $\dot{\varphi}=\dot{\theta}=0$. In this problem one is especially interested in asymptotes of all functions as $r\to r_{g}$.

Let us set $c=1$ here and henceforth measure time in the units of length, so that $x^{0}=t$, $\beta=v$, etc., and introduce the notation \[h(r)\equiv g_{00}(r)=-\frac{1}{g_{11}(r)}= 1-\frac{r_{g}}{r} \underset{r\to r_g+0}{\longrightarrow}+0.\]

Problem 13.

Derive the equation for null geodesics (worldlines of massless particles).

Problem 14.

Use energy conservation to derive $v(r)$, $\dot{r}(r)=dr/dt$, $r(t)$ for a massive particle. Initial conditions: $g_{00}|_{\dot{r}=0}=h_{0}$ (the limiting case $h_{0}\to 1$ is especially interesting and simple).

Problem 15.

problem formulation

Problem 16.

problem formulation

Problem 17.

problem formulation

Blackness of black holes

A source radiates photons of frequency $\omega_i$, its radial coordinate at the time of emission is $r=r_{em}$. Find the frequency of photons registered by a detector situated at $r=r_{det}$ on the same radial line in different situations described below. By stationary observers here, we mean stationary in the static Schwarzschild metric; "radius" is the radial coordinate $r$.

Problem 18.

problem formulation

Problem 19.

problem formulation

Problem 20.

problem formulation

Problem 21.

problem formulation

Orbital motion, effective potential

Due to high symmetry of the Schwarzschild metric, a particle's worldline is completely determined by the normalizing condition $u^{\mu}u_{\mu}=\epsilon$, where $\epsilon=1$ for a massive particle and $\epsilon=0$ for a massless one, plus two conservation laws---of energy and angular momentum.

Problem 22.

problem formulation

Problem 23.

problem formulation

Problem 24.

problem formulation

Problem 25.

problem formulation

Problem 26.

problem formulation

Miscellaneous problems

Problem 27.

problem formulation

Problem 28.

problem formulation

Problem 29.

problem formulation

Problem 30.

problem formulation

Solving Einstein's equations for a spherically symmetric metric of general form in vacuum (energy-momentum tensor equals to zero), one can reduce the metric to \[ds^2=f(t)\Big(1-\frac{C}{r}\Big)dt^2 -\Big(1-\frac{C}{r}\Big)^{-1}dr^2-r^2 d\Omega^2,\] where $C$ is some integration constant, and $f(t)$ an arbitrary function of time $t$.

Problem 31.

problem formulation

Problem 32.

problem formulation

Problem 33.

problem formulation

Different coordinates, maximal extension

We saw that a particle's proper time of reaching the singularity is finite. However, the Schwarzschild metric has a (removable) coordinate singularity at $r=r_{g}$. In order to eliminate it and analyze the casual structure of the full solution, it is convenient to use other coordinate frames. Everywhere below we transform the coordinates $r$ and $t$, while leaving the angular part unchanged.

Problem 34.

problem formulation

Problem 35.

problem formulation

Problem 36.

problem formulation

Problem 37.

problem formulation

Problem 38.

problem formulation

Problem 39.

problem formulation