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''Andrei Linde.''</p>
==Scalar Field In Cosmology==
==Scalar Field In Cosmology==

Revision as of 14:18, 10 June 2013

Inflation hasn't won the race,
But so far it's the only horse Andrei Linde.


Scalar Field In Cosmology

Problem 1

A scalar field $\varphi(\vec r,t)$ in a potential $V(\varphi)$ is described by Lagrangian \[L=\frac12\left(\dot\varphi^2-\nabla\varphi\cdot\nabla\varphi\right)-V(\varphi)\] Obtain the equation of motion (evolution) from the least action principle for that field.

Problem 1

Using the action for free scalar field minimally coupled to gravitation \[S_\varphi=\int d^4x\sqrt{-g}\left(\frac12 g^{\mu\nu}\partial_\mu\varphi\partial_\nu\varphi\right)\] obtain action for this field in the FRW metric.

Problem 1

Using the action obtained in the previous problem, obtain evolution equation for the scalar field in the expanding Universe.

Problem 1

Calculate the density and pressure of homogeneous scalar field $\varphi(t)$ in potential $V(\varphi)$ in the FRW metric.

Problem 1

Starting from the scalar field's action in the form \[ S = \int {d^4 x\sqrt { - g} \left[ {{1 \over 2}(\nabla \varphi )^2 - V(\varphi )} \right]} \] obtain the equation of motion for this field for the case of FRW metric.

Problem 1

Construct the Lagrange function describing the dynamics of the Universe filled with a scalar field in potential $V(\varphi)$. Using the obtained Lagrangian, obtain the Friedman equations and the Klein--Gordon equation.

Problem 1

Obtain the equation of motion for a homogeneous scalar field $\varphi(t)$ in potential $V(\varphi)$ starting from the conservation equation \[\dot\rho+3\frac{\dot a}{a}(\rho+p)=0.\]

Problem 1

Obtain the equation of motion for the homogeneous scalar field $\varphi(t)$ in potential $V(\varphi)$ using the analogy with Newtonian dynamics.

Problem 1

Express $V(\varphi)$ and $\varphi$ through the Hubble parameter $H$ and its derivative $\dot{H}$ for the Universe filled with quintessence.

Problem 1

Show that Friedman equations for the scalar field $\varphi(t)$ in potential $V(\varphi)$ can be presented in the form \[H^2=\frac{8\pi G}{3}\left(\frac12 \dot\varphi^2+V(\varphi)\right),\] \[\dot H=-4\pi G\dot\varphi^2.\]

Problem 1

Provided that the scalar field $\varphi(t)$ is a single--valued function of time, transform the second order equation for the scalar field into a system of first order equations.

Problem 1

Express the equations for the scalar field in terms of conformal time.

Problem 1

Show that condition $\dot H>0$ cannot be realized for the scalar field with positively defined kinetic energy.

Problem 1

Show that the Klein--Gordon equation could be rewritten in dimensionless form $$ \varphi '' + \left( {2 - q} \right)\varphi ' = \chi ;\quad \chi \equiv - \frac{1}{H^2 }\frac{dV}{d\varphi }, $$ where prime denotes the derivative by $\ln a$, and $q = - {{a\ddot a} / {\dot a^2 }}$ is the deceleration parameter.

Problem 1

Represent the equation of motion for the scalar field in the form $$ \pm \frac{V_{,\varphi}}{V} = \sqrt {\frac{3(1 + w)}{\Omega _\varphi(a)}} \left[ 1 + \frac{1}{6}\frac{d\ln \left( x_{\varphi} \right)}{d\ln a} \right], $$ where $$ x_{\varphi}=\frac{1+w_{\varphi}}{1-w_{\varphi}}, ~w_{\varphi}=\frac{\dot{\varphi}^2+2V(\varphi)}{\dot{\varphi}^2-2V(\varphi)}, $$ in the system of units such that $8\pi G=1.$

Problem 1

The term $3H\dot{\varphi}$ in the equation for the scalar field formally acts as friction that damps the inflation evolution. Show that, nonetheless, this term does not lead to dissipative energy production.

Problem 1

Obtain the system of equations describing the scalar field dynamics in the expanding Universe containing radiation and matter in the conformal time.

Problem 1

Calculate pressure of homogeneous scalar field in the potential $V(\varphi)$ using the obtained above energy density of the field and its equation of motion.

Problem 1

What condition should the homogeneous scalar field $\varphi(t)$ in potential $V(\varphi)$ satisfy in order to provide accelerated expansion of the Universe?

Problem 1

What conditions should the scalar field satisfy in order to provide expansion of the Universe close to the exponential one?

Inflationary Introduction

Problem 1

What considerations led A.Guth to name his theory describing the early Universe dynamics as inflation theory?

Problem 1

A. Vilenkin in his cosmological bestseller Many world in one remembers: On a Wednesday afternoon, in the winter of 1980, I was sitting in a fully packed Harvard auditorium, listening to the most fascinating talk I had heard in many years. The speaker was Alan Guth, a young physicist from Stanford, and the topic was a new theory for the origin of the universe$\ldots$ The beauty of the idea was that in a single shot inflation explained why the universe is so big, why it is expanding, and why it was so hot at the beginning. A huge expanding universe was produced from almost nothing. All that was needed was a microscopic chunk of repulsive gravity material. Guth admitted he did not know where the initial chunk came from, but that detail could be worked out later. It's often said that you cannot get something for nothing. he said, but the universe may be the ultimate free lunch . Explain, why can this be.

Problem 1

Is energy conservation violated during the inflation?

Problem 1

The inflation is defined as any epoch for which the scale factor of the Universe has accelerated growth, i.e. $\ddot{a}>0$. Show that the condition is equivalent to the requirement of decreasing of the comoving Hubble radius with time.

Problem 1

Show that in the process of inflation the curvature term in the Friedman equation becomes negligible. Even if that condition was not initially satisfied, the inflation quickly realizes it.

Problem 1

It is sometimes said, that the choice of $k = 0$ is motivated by observations: the density of curvature is close to zero. Is this claim correct?

Inflation in the Slow-Roll Regime

Problem 1

Obtain the evolution equations for the scalar field in expanding Universe in the inflationary slow-roll regime.

Problem 1

Find the time dependence of scale factor in the slow--roll regime for the case $V(\varphi)={m^2 \varphi^2 / 2}$.

Problem 1

Find the dependence of scale factor on the scalar field in the slow-roll regime.

Problem 1

Show that the conditions for realization of the slow--roll limit can be presented in the form:

    \ |\eta(\varphi)|\equiv\left|M^{*2}_{Pl}\frac{V^{\prime\prime}}{V}\right|\ll1;
    \ M^*_{Pl}\equiv(8\pi G)^{-1/2}.\]

Problem 1

Show that the condition $\varepsilon\ll1$ for the realization of the slow--roll limit obtained in the previous problem is also sufficient condition for the inflation.

Problem 1

Find the slow--roll condition for power law potentials.

Problem 1

Show that the condition $\varepsilon \ll\eta$ is satisfied in the vicinity of inflection point of the inflationary potential $V(\varphi)$.

Problem 1

Show that the inflation parameter $\varepsilon$ can be expressed through the parameter $w$ in the state equation for the scalar field.

Problem 1

Show that the second Friedman equation \[\frac{\ddot{a}}{a}=-\frac{4\pi G}{3}(\rho+3p)\] can be presented in the form \[\frac{\ddot{a}}{a}=H^2(1-\varepsilon).\]

Problem 1

Show that in the slow--roll regime $\varepsilon_H\rightarrow\varepsilon$ and $\eta_H\rightarrow\eta-\varepsilon$.

Problem 1

Show that the inflation parameters $\varepsilon_H,\ \eta_H$ can be presented in the following symmetric form \[\varepsilon_H=-\frac{d\ln H}{d\ln a};\ \eta_H=-\frac{d\ln H'}{d\ln a}.\]

Problem 1

Prove that the definition of inflation as the regime for which $\ddot a>0$ is equivalent to condition $\varepsilon_H<1$.

Problem 1

Show that inflation appears every time when the scalar field's value exceeds the Planck mass.

Problem 1

Find the energy momentum tensor for homogeneous scalar field in the slow--roll regime.

Solution of the Hot Big Bang Theory Problems

Problem 1

Show that in the inflation epoch the relative density $\Omega$ exponentially tends to unity.

Problem 1

Estimate the temperature of the Universe at the end of inflation.

Problem 1

Estimate the size of the Universe at the end of inflation.

Problem 1

Find the number $N_e$ of $e$-foldings of the scale factor in the inflation epoch.

Problem 1

Find the number $N_e$ of $e$-foldings of the scale factor for the inflation process near the inflection point.

Problem 1

Show that inflation transforms the unstable fixed point $x=0$ for the quantity \[x\equiv\frac{\Omega-1}{\Omega}\] into the stable one, therefore solving the problem of the flatness of the Universe.

Problem 1

Find the particle horizon in the inflationary regime, assuming $H\approx const$.

Problem 1

Find the solution of the horizon problem in the framework of inflation theory.

Problem 1

Did entropy change during the inflation period? If yes, then estimate what its change was.

Problem 1

Does the inflation theory explain the modern value of entropy?

Problem 1

Find the solution of the monopole problem in frame of inflation theory.