Gauge transformations and degrees of freedom

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The general equations \[G_{\mu\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T_{\mu\nu}\] are valid in any coordinate frame, in which the metric obeys eq. 1, so$^*$ we have the freedom to make coordinate transformation \[x^{\mu}\to {x'}^{\mu}=x^{\mu}+\xi^{\mu}(x),\] with four arbitrary functions $\xi^\mu$, which are of the first order by $h_{\mu\nu}$.

$^*$In addition to global Lorentz transformations, which are symmetries of the Minkowski background, or in general the isometries of the background spacetime.

Problem 1: Gauge transformations

Find $h_{\mu\nu}$ in the new (primed) coordinates; show that curvature tensor and its contractions are gauge invariant and do not change their functional form.

In a given frame the metric perturbation $h_{\mu\nu}$ can be decomposed into pieces which transform under spatial rotations as scalars, vectors and tensors (the irreducible representations of the rotation group $SO(3)$) in the following way (spatial components are denoted by Greek indices from the beginning of the alphabet $\alpha,\beta,\gamma\ldots=1,2,3$): \begin{align} h_{00}&=2\Phi;\\ h_{0\alpha}&=-w_{\alpha};\\ h_{\alpha\beta}&=2\big( s_{\alpha\beta} +\Psi\eta_{\alpha\beta}\big), \end{align} where $h_{\alpha\beta}$ is further decomposed in such a way that $s_{ij}$ is traceless and $\Psi$ encodes the trace: \begin{align} h\equiv h_{\alpha}^{\alpha} &=\eta^{\alpha\beta}h_{\alpha\beta} =0+2\Psi \delta^{\alpha}_{\alpha}=6\Psi;\\ \Psi&=\tfrac{1}{6}h;\\ s_{\alpha\beta}&=\tfrac{1}{2}\big(h_{\alpha\beta} -\tfrac{1}{6}h\; \eta_{\alpha\beta}\big). \end{align} Thus the metric takes the form \[ds^{2}=(1+2\Phi)dt^2 -2w_{\alpha}dt\,dx^{\alpha} -\big[(1-2\Psi)\eta_{\alpha\beta} -2s_{\alpha\beta}\big]dx^\alpha dx^\beta\]

Problem 2: Particle's motion, gravo-magnetic and gravo-electric fields

Write down geodesic equations for a particle in the weak field limit in terms of fields $\Phi$, $w_\alpha$, $h_{\alpha\beta}$. What are the first terms of expansion by $v/c$ in the non-relativistic limit?

HINT: The equations of motion for a particle with $u^{\mu}=E(1,\mathbf{v})$ are$*$ \begin{align} \frac{dE}{dt}&=-E\big[\partial_0 \Phi +2\partial_\alpha \Phi\; v^\alpha -\big(\partial_{(\alpha} w_{\beta)} +\tfrac{1}{2}\partial_0 h_{\alpha\beta}\big) v^\alpha v^\beta \big] ;\\ \frac{dp^\alpha}{dt}&=-E\big[ \partial_\alpha \Phi+\partial_0 w_\alpha +2(\partial_{[\alpha}w_{\beta]} +\tfrac12 \partial_0 h_{\alpha\beta})v^{\beta} -\big( \partial_{(\alpha} h_{\beta)\gamma} -\tfrac{1}{2}\partial_\alpha h_{\beta\gamma}\big) v^\beta v^\gamma \big]. \end{align} We can define the gravo-electric $G^\alpha$ and gravo-magnetic $H^\alpha$ fields \begin{align} G^\alpha&=-\partial_\alpha \Phi -\partial_0 w_\alpha;\\ H^\alpha&=\varepsilon^{\alpha\beta\gamma} \partial_\beta w_\gamma, \end{align} so that the first terms in the equation of motion reproduce the familiar Lorentz force of electrodynamics, with electric and magnetic fields replaced by gravo-electric and gravo-magnetic. In general there are additional terms even linear by $v$, but e.g. in a stationary field they vanish, so in the first order by $v/c$ the non-relativistic equations of motion look very much like those in electrodynamics in effective fields $G^\alpha$ and $H^\alpha$. The fields $\Phi$ and $w^\alpha$ are the analogues of scalar and vector potentials.

$^*$(Anti-)symmetrization is defined with the $1/2$ factors.

Problem 3: Dynamical degrees of freedom

Derive the Einstein equations for the scalar $\Phi,\Psi$, vector $w^\alpha$ and tensor $s_{\alpha\beta}$ perturbations. Which of them are dynamical?

HINT: The Einstein tensor is \begin{align} G_{00}&=-2\triangle \Psi -\partial_\alpha \partial_\beta s_{\alpha\beta};\\ G_{0\alpha}&=3\partial_0 \partial_\alpha \Psi +\tfrac12 \triangle w^\alpha -\tfrac12 \partial_\alpha \partial_\beta w^\beta +\tfrac12 \partial_0 \partial_\beta h_{\alpha\beta};\\ G_{\alpha\beta}& =(\delta_{\alpha\beta}\triangle -\partial_\alpha \partial_\beta) (\Phi+\Psi)-2\delta_{\alpha\beta}\partial_0^2 \Psi-\\ &-\partial_0 \partial_{(\alpha}w_{\beta)} -\delta_{\alpha\beta}\partial_0 \partial_\gamma w^\gamma -\square s_{\alpha\beta} -\tfrac12 \partial_{\gamma}\partial_{(\alpha}s_{\beta)\gamma} +\delta_{\alpha\beta}\partial_\gamma \partial_\delta s_{\gamma\delta}, \end{align} where $\triangle\equiv\partial_\alpha \partial_\alpha$, $\square \equiv\partial_0^2 -\triangle$ and summation is assumed over any repeated indices.

None of the equations contain time derivatives of the scalar and vector perturbations. So, from the $(00)$ equation, knowing $s_{\alpha\beta}$ and the matter sources $T_{00}$, we can find $\Psi$ (up to boundary conditions, which are assumed to be fixed), thus $\Psi$ is not an independent dynamical field/variable: it does not need initial conditions. Likewise, $\mathbf{w}$ is obtained from the $(0\alpha)$ equations as long as we know $h_{\alpha\beta}$. Finally, from the $(\alpha\beta)$ equations one obtains $\Phi$. So the dynamical degrees of freedom all lie in $s_{\alpha\beta}$.

Problem 4: Gauge decomposition

Find the gauge transformations for the scalar, vector and tensor perturbations.

HINT: The gauge transformation $x\to x+\xi$ changes the full metric perturbation as \[h_{\mu\nu}\to h_{\mu\nu} -\partial_\mu \xi_{\nu}-\partial_\nu \xi_\mu.\] Then \begin{align} \Phi\equiv h_{00}&\to \Phi- \partial_0 \xi_0;\\ w_\alpha\equiv h_{0\alpha}&\to w_{\alpha}+\partial_0 \xi_{\alpha}+\partial_\alpha \xi_0;\\ \Psi=\tfrac16 h^\alpha_\alpha &\to \Psi+\tfrac13 \partial_\alpha \xi_\alpha;\\ s_{\alpha\beta}=\tfrac12 (h_{\alpha\beta} -\Psi \eta_{\alpha\beta})&\to s_{\alpha\beta}-\partial_{(\alpha}\xi_{\beta)} -\tfrac13 \eta_{\alpha\beta}\partial_\gamma \xi_\gamma \end{align}

Problem 5: Synchronous gauge

This one is equivalent to Gaussian normal coordinates and is fixed by setting \begin{equation} \Phi=0,\qquad w^\alpha=0. \end{equation} Write the explicit coordinate transformations and the metric in this gauge.

HINT: $ds^{2}=dt^{2} -(\delta_{\alpha\beta}-h_{\alpha\beta}) dx^\alpha dx^\beta$

Problem 6: Transverse gauge

This is a generalization of the conformal Newtonian or Poisson gauge sometimes used in cosmology, which is fixed by demanding that \begin{equation} \partial_\alpha s^{\alpha\beta}=0,\qquad \partial_\alpha w^\alpha =0. \end{equation} Find the equations for $\xi^\mu$ that fix the transverse gauge.

HINT: $\triangle \xi_\beta +\tfrac13 \partial_\alpha \partial_\beta \xi_\alpha =\partial_\alpha s_{\alpha\beta},\quad \triangle \xi_0 =-\partial_\alpha w_\alpha -\partial_0 \partial_\alpha \xi_\alpha$