Information, Entropy and Holographic Screen

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Problem 1:

Show that information density on holographic screen is limited by the value $\sim 10^{69} \: \mbox{bit/m}^2.$

Problem 2:

Choosing the Hubble sphere as a holographic screen, find its area in the de Sitter model (recall that in this model the Universe dynamics is determined by the cosmological constant $\Lambda >0$).

Problem 3:

Find the entropy of a quantum system composed of $N$ spin-$1/2$ particles.

Problem 4:

Consider a 3D lattice of spin-$1/2$ particles and prove that entropy of such a system defined in a standard way is proportional to its volume.

Problem 5:

Find the change of the holographic screen area when it is crossed by a spin-$1/2$ particle.

Problem 6:

What entropy change corresponds to the process described in the previous problem?

Problem 1:

According to Hawking, black holes emit photons (the black hole evaporation) with thermal spectrum and effective temperature $$ T_{BH}=\frac{\hbar c}{4\pi k_{_B}}r_{g}, $$ where $r_{g}={2GM}/{c^2}$ is the black hole Schwarzschild radius. Neglecting accretion and CMB absorption, determine the life time of a black hole with initial mass $M_{0}.$ Calculate the lifetime for black holes with the mass equal to Planck mass, mass of the Earth and Solar mass.

Problem 1:

Show that black holes have negative thermal capacity.

Problem 1:

Show that the black hole evaporation process is accompanied by increase of its temperature. Find the relative variation of the black hole temperature if its mass gets twice smaller due to evaporation.

Problem 1:

Show that in order to produce an entropy force when a particle approaches the holographic screen, its temperature must be finite.

Problem 1:

Determine the entropic acceleration of a particle crossing the holographic screen with temperature ${{T}_{b}}$.

Problem 1:

Show that the Unruh temperature is the Hawking radiation temperature $$T_{BH}=\frac{\hbar c^3}{8\pi k_{_B}GM}$$ with substitution $a\to g,$ where $g$ is the surface gravity of the black hole.

Problem 1:

In order to verify experimentally the Unruh effect, it is planned to accelerate particles with acceleration of the order of $10^{26} \mbox{\it m/}\sec^2$. What vacuum temperature does this acceleration correspond to?

Problem 1:

Derive the second Newton's law from the holographic principle.

Problem 1:

Show that the inertia law can be obtained from the holographic principle.

Problem 1:

Obtain the Newton's law of universal gravitation using the holographic principle.

Problem 1:

Compare how close to a black hole are Earth, Sun and observable Universe.

Problem 1:

Estimate the temperature of the Hubble sphere, considering it as a holographic screen.

Problem 1:

Show that equilibrium between the relic radiation and holographic screen is possible only at Planck temperature.

Problem 1:

According to the holographic ideology, all physical phenomena can be described by the boundary layer theory. Therefore a conclusion comes that one should account for contribution of such surface terms while deriving the equations of General Relativity. Show that consideration of the boundary terms in the Einstein-Hilbert action is equivalent to introduction of non-zero energy-momentum tensor into the standard Einstein equations.

Problem 1:

Derive the Friedman equations from the holographic principle.

Problem 1:

Derive the Friedman equations from the holographic principle for a non-flat Universe.

Problem 1:

Consider an effective field theory with the ultraviolet cutoff parameter equal to $\Lambda$ and entropy satisfying the inequality \[S\equiv L^3\Lambda^3\le S_{BH}\simeq L^2 M_{Pl}^2,\] where $S_{BH}$ is the Beckenstein-Hawking entropy, and show that such a theory necessarily contains the states with Schwarzschild radius $R_S$ much greater than the linear dimensions $L$ of the system. (see Zimdahl, Pavon, 0606555)

Problem 1:

Estimate the dark energy density assuming that the total energy in a region with linear size $L$ cannot exceed the black hole mass of the same size.

Problem 1:

Find the correspondence between the ultraviolet and infrared cutoff scales.

Problem 1:

Show that the entropy force produces negative pressure.

Problem 1:

Taking the Hubble sphere for the holographic screen, and using the SCM parameters, find the entropy, the force acting on the screen and the corresponding pressure.

Problem 1:

The most popular approach to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the Universe assumes introduction of dark energy in the form of cosmological constant into the Friedman equations. As we have seen in the corresponding Chapter, this approach is successfully realized in SCM. Unfortunately, it leaves aside the question of the nature of the dark energy. An alternative approach can be developed in the frame of holographic dynamics. In this case it is possible to explain the observations without the dark energy. It is replaced by the entropy force, acting on the cosmological horizon (Hubble sphere) and leading to the accelerated Universe's expansion.
Show that the Hubble sphere acceleration obtained this way agrees with the result obtained in SCM.

Problem 1:

Plot the dependence of the deceleration parameter on the red shift in the Universe composed of non-relativistic matter. Take into account the negative pressure generated by the entropy force (see Problem \ref{HU26}). Compare the result with the SCM.

Problem 1:

Show that the coincidence problem does not arise in the models with the holographic dark energy.

Problem 1:

Show that the holographic screen in the form of Hubble sphere cannot explain the accelerated expansion of Universe.

Problem 1:

Find the dependence of holographic dark energy density on the scale factor taking the cosmological particle horizon $R_p$ as the holographic screen. Show that such choice cannot explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe.

Problem 1:

Obtain the equation of motion for the relative density of the holographic dark energy in the case when the particle horizon serves as the holographic screen.

Problem 1:

Solve the equation of motion obtained in the previous problem.

Problem 1:

Find dependence the of holographic dark energy density on the scale factor taking the cosmological event horizon $R_h$ as the holographic screen. Find the equation of state parameter for such a dark energy.

Problem 1:

Obtain the equation of motion for the relative density of the holographic dark energy in the case when the event horizon serves as a holographic screen.

Problem 1:

Solve the equation of motion obtained in the previous problem.

Problem 1:

Find the dependence of cosmological parameters (Hubble parameter $H$, state equation parameter $w$ and deceleration parameter $q$) on red shift in the model of the Universe composed of radiation, non-relativistic matter and holographic dark energy, taking as the holographic screen the Ricci scalar's $R$ characteristic length $$ \rho_{_{RDE}}=-\frac{\alpha}{16\pi} R =\frac{3\alpha}{8\pi}\left(\dot{H}+2H^2+\frac{ k}{a^2}\right), $$ where $\alpha $ is a positive constant, $k $ is the sign of space curvature.

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